Hi guys!! I am doing a series of blogs on my internship journey and this post is a part of it. If you want to read my previous post head to it right now - %[Intern Journey]. Today we will set up our environment so that we can get started with development without any problems.
First, we will install git, nvm and node to our system. So just head to the terminal and follow the following steps:
1) Install git - sudo apt-get install git
2) Install curl - sudo apt install curl
3) Install nvm - curl -o-
| bash
4) Update your bashrc - source ~/.bashrc
5) Install node - nvm install 16
6) Use node - nvm use 16
Now we are done with our environment setup and will install angular CLI and make our first angular project:
1) Installing Angular CLI - npm install -g @angular/cli
2) Start a new angular project - ng new my-app
(choose yes for routing and choose css)
3) Go to your project folder using - cd my-app
4) Run your project - npm start
Go to http://localhost:4200/ and you can see your project up and running. This was our basic setup and in upcoming posts, we will learn angular in detail and typescript too. So see you around, happy coding!!